Kerouac’s Cognac

Ecstatic swoons and our eternal condition
Cheer us, cheer us!
You know how the air whistles “Kathleen”
Later is greater than never
Won’t you turn on the kitchen stove?
And see the blue flaming through the punctured metal.
Ya, ya, yay whoosh
Goes the Neppytune and the earthy baby
Over in space system
And the streets of Paris claim the pasts
Over the dead-end Oh, Oh! Of tge visionary neighbor.
I'll miss it forever. 
I oughta run from the big druggie vengeance
Of the canyon birds,
Of their calcium feathers,
Of man,
Of laughs,
Of paradise.
They're dying like a million mountain races.
No one compares to you, great nosy sea
And not to your whoosh-thud sounds when you squeeze
the shore.
Hear me hear from you!
Little kip-upsurge-Oh, no hush now.
It all looks decent for the broken tokens of my sorrow.
I’ll have to smash the edge of tomorrow.
But you remember what you borrow.
Consequently I won’t have to follow
You thru to the foggy and hollow
Cave that you call home.

Now that the water left me. 
Give me a quest or a question,
Let the blasts in deserted hands be

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It's all a matter of rust and shine, to serve a distinction between to have and to have not.

22 thoughts on “Kerouac’s Cognac”

  1. Along with Pound and T.S. Eliot, I have to throw in Dylan Thomas for the musicality of this wonderfully lilting and balanced poem – like a swing zigzagged on purpose by the person on the swing – which I have recorded so that I can listen to it.

    It can be intoned, chanted, sung and spoken. That is not bad going!

    Wonderful, Watt. Thanks.Sarah

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Your comments are so exciting to read. The entire poem is a tribute to Kerouac’s style of writing poems.
    And Dylan Thomas, its like you keep track of the poets i’m enjoying lately. Raymond Carver someday maybe.
    Thank you!!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Dear Watts, I really appreciated your poetry, for the vastness of the verses and the so deliciously Anglo-Saxon writing, I decided to include it in my Gioielli Rubati section on Sunday, next March 24th, thanks and greetings from Italy

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The Italian language has always been a beautiful one. Italy is probably my favorite country. Italian poetry is brilliant and yours is a terrific example. Thank you again. Very much.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Kerouac, of course, was the man I was watching on that swing, holding the rope with his right hand, zig-zagging on each swoosh backwards and forwards. In his left, cognac.

    Kerouac who so appreciated James Joyce, too.

    I am reading your work with care.
    You (appear to) have that very ancient poetic power: insight, verbal facility, discipline.

    Have to take care of it because great powers are associated with it. For growth and for the destruction which took Dylan Thomas and Kerouac and others from us, young. This is not my idea, of course. Orpheus.

    The time for your work is especially (and always) now. And for the widest audiences. The god is always present. But you know all this! Why am I lecturing in the early morning?

    Much appreciate. Sarah

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have this morbid fascination with people who die young a legend. I’ve been criticized often for it. But I still agree. Its always better to explode and end then to flicker till total failure.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. I just heard it. How beautiful is your reading. So soothing and unraveling of all the boulders that may twist a sense here and then, now and there. Thank you so much. I wish you could imagine the happiness that audio gave me…

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